Last Thursday on Alberta
Alberta Art Works
Support Art & Culture On Alberta Street
Last Thursday on Alberta Street in Portland, Oregon happens 12 months a year every last Thursday of the month indoors with art gallery opening parties, live music, DJs and other indoor performances at venues, bars, event spaces.
June, July and August Last Thursday 6-9 pm is outdoors and indoors with 15 blocks closed to traffic, hundreds of diverse arts and crafts vendors, art gallery opening parties, street performers and musicians, and other outside events.
Interested in summer street vending or performing? Please read and follow the Vending Guidelines. Please contact Alberta Street galleries and businesses individually for other events and opportunities.
Follow us on Instagram @lastthursdayalberta
Facebook: Last Thursday on Alberta
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for Last Thursday events and activities
Alberta is only closed to traffic for Last Thursday each June, July and August. But Last Thursday happens indoors every month, 12 months a year. Art galleries host opening parties. Venues and bars often have live music and performances